While I wouldn’t enjoy sleeping until 4:00 in the afternoon like one of my theatrical heroes Peter Gibbons (think Office Space), I did wallow in nothing for a whole day, which I mentioned to my brother, Ben, two days ago, after receiving his email:
From: XXXX Smith [mailto:xx@xxxxxxx.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 8:10 AM
To: xxxxTenaciousB
Subject: Happy Birthday!
“I hope you’re having a wonderful birthday!”
To-wit I replied:
So, far, so good! I let myself sleep in until almost 10:30! And I stuffed my face with French toast for breakfast, which I rarely eat because of the carb content. For lunch, I went for broke and was really bad—by gobbling up some Steak and Shake, the only fast food I actually like. For our evening repast, my husband is taking me to Texas Roadhouse whereupon I will feast upon some finely grilled cow… and last but not least, I allowed myself an hour of uninterrupted television viewing this morning. and to finish off this day of decadence, I exercised for 10-15 minutes instead of the usual 30 to 40 minutes. I know I’m such a bad ass, LOL…watch out, I may knock over a liquor store next… Woohoo!
Thanks for the birthday wishes!
While a lot of people might think my day was exceedingly boring because they might prefer to celebrate their birthday with a weekend at a Bed and Breakfast or spend the day antiquing or something, but I greatly enjoyed the lack of excitement. Why? Though I’m not as disciplined as I used to be, and now I do indulge in more ME time that doesn’t involve work, I feel guilty for every moment I spend not working whether I’m watching TV with my husband, or paying my bills, which obviously has to be done, or whatever is keeping me from finishing one of my writing projects.
I feel guilty if I decide to do some laundry or clean my bathroom instead of working on the two memoirs I’ve been writing for the last 2+ years – though I would much rather be writing than scrubbing a toilet, but you get the idea.
My husband, Charlie, is always telling me that he doesn’t care if our house is clean or not, but it takes every bit of strength I have to walk out of our bathroom without scouring the floor and the toilet every time I use the loo.
I sometimes feel guilty when I decide to exercise for an hour instead of the usual 30-40 even though it’s good for my health. So, yeah, allowing myself to watch TV for an hour without the guilt gurgling within my soul because…
It’s my birthday is really awesome! And I eat CAKE without remorse beating the shit out of me, and I utilized that get out of the work/jail free card to lie back on my couch to finish watching Justified and part of The Guardian (on Netflix) for an hour of guilt-free bingeing de Television! And while I would rather have spent my birthday in Vegas or South Beach, kicking back and watching Raylon Gibbons kick ass is a mighty fine substitute.
And that’s why sometimes – doing NOTHING productive is just fabulous!
TenaciousB and her band of truth-spouting hippies~
Tenacious Bitch © 2013